Bear your cross

Everyone must 'bear their own cross' We've heard this before, right? Maybe these days, in our current cultural moment, this phrase is lost or misunderstood. It comes from Jesus' statement recorded by Luke in Luke 9:23 (ESV): And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Initially, this sounds quite troubling right? A cross, well, that was a one-way trip to one's death - a horrible death to be exact. Then there's the carrying - a burden to be handled daily. Ugh. However, if we hear this from a first-century perspective, we might find some hope in that statement. Certainly, there is a metaphor in Jesus' words, yet, for Him, this was an actual reality. The Greek word for 'deny' means a refusing to follow or consent - basically, our way will lead to our demise but Jesus' ways, lead to life! Then, the daily carrying of a cross would invoke the vivid picture of someone fully losi...