Bear your cross

Everyone must 'bear their own cross'

We've heard this before, right? Maybe these days, in our current cultural moment, this phrase is lost or misunderstood. It comes from Jesus' statement recorded by Luke in Luke 9:23 (ESV): And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Initially, this sounds quite troubling right? A cross, well, that was a one-way trip to one's death - a horrible death to be exact. Then there's the carrying - a burden to be handled daily. Ugh.

However, if we hear this from a first-century perspective, we might find some hope in that statement. Certainly, there is a metaphor in Jesus' words, yet, for Him, this was an actual reality.

The Greek word for 'deny' means a refusing to follow or consent - basically, our way will lead to our demise but Jesus' ways, lead to life! Then, the daily carrying of a cross would invoke the vivid picture of someone fully losing their life, but, then Jesus said to then follow Him - a close, all-in life of walking with Him fully leaving behind our way for His.


As Bill Tell, a Navigators staff writer wrote,
“Don’t be fooled into thinking you independently know what is most fulfilling for you. Instead, come on a one-way journey with me, and don’t let those who criticize you cause you to turn around. Follow me because I want you to be with me, and I want to be with you. And in this relationship of ours, you will find life just as the Father and I have planned it for you – and nothing could be better. To take up my cross is to be rescued from the emptiest and most unfilled life I could live and it is an invitation to unlock the best ever! Luke 9:23 is a good news verse!"

Maybe praying this will help today:

Lord, keep us from making crosses out of the splinters of discomfort in our lives. Help us recognize the true crosses you call us to bear, those whose weight lends to the freedom and provision of others. Amen. 

Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash


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