Fathers and sons...

A week or so ago I spoke about the power of health and spiritual fatherhood in our church gatherings. In that talk I tried to encourage fathers of all kinds to see how crucial their role in raising up the next generation of faith is and how to go about doing that well. One of the big challenges was to be present at home and to protect what comes into the home environment. With that, I mentioned modeling faith in Jesus and having other healthy men and women surround kids - people who would say the same things you would say if you were no longer in the picture. Finally, I encouraged dads to be the first ones to read the Bible stories to their little ones. I used to read a Bible story, tell it in my own words (later let the kids!), and then ask what we learned about God, people, and ourselves and what we might do differently because of what we discovered. If you need help, here's a starter of 25 that takes you from Creation to Christ here . The other day I noticed a...