Small, working models of new creation

One of the big takeaways from a few days studying the letter of Ephesians with NT Wright was this statement about communities of Christ-followers, aka, churches, and the main vocation:

Small, working models of new creation

The church of Jesus was ushering in the new humanity - the way to be genuine humans under the banner of Messiah Jesus. The church is this amazing, counter-cultural but multi-ethnic and multi-cultural people who radically love one another in unity and peace.  When this happens, the world around those followers can't help but be changed for the good.

What's my role in the working model of new creation where I minister and serve?  Leader? Lead vision caster? Unity encourager? Disciple multiplier? New creation modeler?  Maybe all of the above.

Lord, empower your church to BE that working model of new creation until you bring about your kingdom come and will be done!

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash


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