What if?

There's a comic book I used to enjoy reading that asked that question. Basically, the comic book presented a crazy scenario where superheroes did things completely differently. According to Wikipedia, "What If, sometimes stylized as What If…?, is a comic book anthology series published by Marvel Comics whose stories explore how the Marvel Universe might have unfolded if key moments in its history had not occurred as they did in mainstream continuity." Basically what if things happened differently? Sometimes we do that in our lives, right? Sometimes we wonder what would be different if we'd made different choices in key areas of our lives - finances, relationships, hobbies, habits, etc. Of course, this is an impossible and probably in some cases a negative mental exercise right? Let's change this to a more hopeful tone - what if God does ______________? That's right - you fill in the blank. What could be done if He stepped in and changed everything? You know, ...