Mt. Moriah and sacred places...

I've been slowly studying the book of Genesis lately and was struck by something that I have been pondering - namely sacred places. In Genesis 22, Abraham is tested by God in a sort of odd and questionable way involving his special son Isaac. The testing involved a 3-day journey to the 'land of Moriah' and a burnt offering sacrifice of Isaac. Of course, Abraham kept some details to himself as he gathered a few young men, provisions, a donkey, and Isaac...probably a good idea... The story is well-known for sure, but, for me, I found the location very intriguing. We find in 2 Chronicles that this 'land of Moriah' was actually a high place or mountain. That passage speaks of Solomon building the first temple in Jerusalem on that very place. Why is this place so special? Well, you'd need to go to another story that involves Solomon's father David. In 2 Samuel 24, we enter a tragic moment in David's life that happened due to his sin. The consequences of his ...