Truth and Love
There's a famous scene from a movie where a character played by Jack Nicholson yells out in a courtroom, "You can't handle the truth!"
Remember that movie? It was called A Few Good Men from 1992.
Truth isn't always what we want to hear, is it? However, truth is often EXACTLY what we need to hear. What we need to hear and what we want to hear are rarely the same thing right? Think of Moses confronting Pharaoh in Exodus and all the Pharaoh's advisers refusing to be honest and tell the truth. How easy it would have been if they felt safe enough to simply point out, "Hey, Pharaoh, you are oppressing the Hebrew people and they will rise up against you. Also, we're afraid of their God and we really can't do what He can do."
Pharaoh could have used that truth right? We need to hear the real truth sometimes from people that we trust and know who love us.
"we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church..."
-Eph 4:15
May we be truth-tellers with a big dose of love and be willing to allow others to speak honestly to us today!
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
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