Prevalence in Prayer
I read a quote today about prayer that I found both encouraging and challenging from the archives of the great C.H. Spurgeon:
"Oh, that Christian men would remember this! Perseverance in prayer is necessary to prevalence in prayer! Those great intercessors, who are not so often mentioned as they ought to be in connection with confessors and martyrs, were nevertheless the grandest benefactors of the Church; but it was only by abiding at the mercy-seat that they attained to be such channels of mercy to men. We must pray to pray, and continue in prayer that our prayers may continue."
-Cowman, L. B. (1925). Streams in the Desert (pp. 359–360). The Oriental Missionary Society.
Prayer has been one of those difficult practices for modern Christ-followers (like me!) to pursue. With so many tools and media and options out there, we distract ourselves with activity and often fail to just stop, get on our knees (metaphorically or actually!) and talk with and listen to God.
I think we learn to pray by, well, praying! The more we pray, the better we pray. It is within our reach but we must put in the reps so to speak.
May we embrace the prayer life reality more today than yesterday!
18 With every prayer and petition, pray[c] at all times in the Spirit, and to this end[d] be alert, with all perseverance and petitions for all the saints.
-Ephesians 6:18
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash
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