Take the time

I recently read a book that really got me thinking about our current modern era. Sure, maybe all this new technology has its place. However, I fear it is, as the book The Extinction of Experience by Christine Rosen points out, leading to a poverty of experience.

Think of all the things that really need time, slowing down, and patience:

  • Planting a seed that will grow into an apple tree
  • Experiencing a sunrise or sunset
  • Watching a storm move in
  • Deep friendships
  • Fine wine
  • You (and me)

In the book, I loved this quote about experiencing and appreciating art:

As Philippe de Montebellow, the former director of the Metroplitan Museum of Art, observed, "Most works of art yield their secrets slowly." Art doesn't beckon like a movie screen, videogame, or smartphone app; it must be "approached and given time."

May we make space and take time for the important things today!


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