As we approach the season of Advent 2024 (which starts Sunday, December 1), I wanted to discuss Messiah Jesus's arrival in terms of re-creation.
Re-creation? Strange sounding term right? What do I mean?
One article I read recently in Christianity Today states, "The logic of salvation begins with God creating humanity to share in his incorruptible life and to cultivate his beautiful creation. When sin entered the world, however, death began to reign, and a process of decreation derailed God’s good purposes."
In essence, we see original creation bursting forth from God's Word and then, in Messiah Jesus, re-created by the Word. Jesus takes what is broken and restores it in love.
The article continues, "The church, as the body of Christ, also finds its place within the story of God’s grand re-creation project. We are ushered into God’s presence, invited to delight in God’s goodness, and called to participate in God’s work of renewal. Even now, God is re-creating the world by grace—and he will do so until Christ returns to fully and eternally renew all things....this Christmas, when we cry out, “Let heaven and nature sing!” may we remember that both of these are being renewed and brought together by our Savior King!"
As the Christmas season arrives, may we find ourselves joining Jesus in the work of re-creation and renewal.
PS Jeremy Treat's article "The Incarnation is More Than the Manger" is published in the current issue of Christianity Today.
Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash
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