A traveler, not a settler

 In one of the devotional resources I read today, I loved this statement:

The words often on Jesus’ lips in His last days express vividly the idea, “going to the Father.” We, too, who are Christ’s people, have vision of something beyond the difficulties and disappointments of this life. We are journeying towards fulfillment, completion, expansion of life. We, too, are “going to the Father.” Much is dim concerning our home-country, but two things are clear. It is home, “the Father’s House.” It is the nearer presence of the Lord. We are all wayfarers, but the believer knows it and accepts it. He is a traveller, not a settler.

Cowman, L. B. (1925). Streams in the Desert (pp. 305–306). The Oriental Missionary Society.

A traveler, not a settler.  Wow. That greatly affects how we view our moments, hours, and years here on Earth right?

This reminds me of a quote I've read and heard often from the late CS Lewis:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
― C.S. Lewis

What will new heavens and earth be like? Will we recognize each other?  Will we get to talk face-to-face with Jesus about all the questions we never got answers to? What will the air be like? Will the new creation resemble the first creation of Genesis?

So, I have many questions and am glad today that there is an eternal dwelling ahead!

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash


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