The genius of struggle...

Do I want ________ badly enough to suffer to achieve it?

I read an article today on the reality that bothered me - in a good way.

The article was about the things that we want in life and what we are willing to struggle to get those things. In short, many of us want a successful life - like healthy life-long relationships, financial security, a meaningful career, physical and mental health, and on and on, but, ALL of these take sacrifices. Great accomplishments usually require great costs.

Think about musicians and athletes and entrepreneurs - the thousands of hours of training, practices, rehearsals, risks, and a good dose of failures.

Achieving things in life requires cost and struggle.

What am I willing to struggle for? What is worth the cost to achieve?

The article ends with this statement:
"This is the most simple and basic component of life: our struggles determine our successes. So, my friend, choose your struggles wisely."

For the full article, check it out here:

Photo by Nik on Unsplash


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