The beautiful, multicultural, intergenerational family called 'church'

Today I was reflecting on a prayer devotional that I listened to on my walk to our church building Sunday morning. Here's that full prayer:

"In the silence of this moment, I remember the Church gathering today all around the world, asking that the House of God would increasingly become a home for every nation: Father, thank You for Your beautiful, multicultural, intergenerational family, gathering today in so many countries. Forgive us our many failings, heal our deep divisions, and make us one. Let strangers be welcomed in Your house today. May sinners sense amazing grace. Let preachers and worship leaders step out of the limelight into the twilight to fix the spotlight on their words entirely upon You."

Jesus' church is a beautiful reality we get to be part of on Sundays and every day. In keeping His command to love on another, may we add a few more prayer lines:

"Lord, would you please give me opportunities this week to show true hospitality to others and to do it generously, joyfully, and without grumbling. Would you give me the grace to embrace interruptions as gifts from You, and help me to make space in my schedule, at my table, in my home, and in my heart for others, Amen!"

Let's today be Jesus' hands and feet in our world and truly BE the church!


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