Jesus is coming over for dinner...

In my prayer time this morning, I was reminded of the story when a tax collector guy named Zaccheus met Jesus recorded in Luke 19. Do you remember that story? If not, here's the general rundown:

Jesus entered the town of Jericho and was planning on a quick pass through, however, His presence stirred up the rumor mill in town, and crowds gathered! All the onlookers made it difficult for a small, curious, AND RICH tax guy to see the famous Jesus, so, naturally, he gets higher by climbing a sycamore tree (why are we told the kind of tree? ok, rabbit trail...). Safely in the tree, he can see Jesus who, for some reason, looked up and saw him, called him by name, and invited Himself to stay at Zacchaeus's house.

Whoa. Unexpected, right? Zaccaeus just wanted a good viewpoint but now a host for the most famous Rabbi in Israel?

It's a great story but don't miss a bit of reflection. What if Jesus showed up unannounced and said He's staying at your house today? My house? Would you be ready to show Jesus your home? What would you want to rush to hide in drawers? Would you pick up a bit? Would you try and desperately clean first? Maybe the better question is what would your home or my home tell Jesus about us?

May we always welcome Jesus into every area of our lives. May we envision Him next to us at our dinner table. May we be honest enough not to hide or tidy up the messy areas and simply, truthfully invite His love and transformation to begin!

Photo by Nadia Valko on Unsplash


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