What we're known for...

The weekend included 2 'special days' people celebrate: Cinco De Mayo and May the Fourth. The first is a not-so-celebrated Mexican commemoration of the battle of Puebla (1862) and Star Wars Day ("may the 4th/force be with you...").

I saw more than a few social media posts of people celebrating Star Wars Day and I was surprised at how many really lean into identifying with the old science fiction movie franchise. Actually, it made me think of our identity and what we are known for out there in the world.

What is the church (you and me!) known for? When people think of church in general and Christians in particular, what's the vibe we give off?

Good food for thought, right?

What if, by God's grace and power, we, Jesus' church, could more and more be known for love, faithfulness, caring, compassion, respect, etc.? Imagine a day when the church is considered the ones who radically love the least of these?

"By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have a love for one another.”
-Jesus (John 13:35)

"These things I command you so that you will love one another."
-Jesus (John 15:17)

Lord, empower us in Your will to be known for what You want the world around us to see! May that be love!


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