This day in history...

To help you increase your level of trivial knowledge, here's some helpful info...

December 13th...on this day in history:
  • The clip-on tie designed (1928)
  • First music store opens in the United States in Philadelphia (1759)

December 13th is also National Horse Day and the birthday of the National Guard - who knew?

But, even better, drumroll please...December 13th is also National Ice Cream AND National Cocoa Day!

FUN FACT: My older brother and I used to put powdered cocoa mix (Nestle of course) on our vanilla ice cream - only now have we learned they share the same National holiday date!

Today and everyday is special simply because we are alive and loved by God! Everyday is the right day to celebrate the goodness of God and His good creation. As the text in Genesis 1:31 proclaims, "Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day."

Scripture tells us to focus on each day - one at a time (Matthew 6:34) and to 'redeem the time' (Ephesians 5:16). Plus, we can all celebrate the fact that each day is in fact 'a day that the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it!' (Psalm 118:23-25)!

Make today awesome!


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