God of the Impossible

I wanted to share this with you today:

"Face it out to the end, cast away every shadow of hope on the human side as an absolute hindrance to the Divine, heap up all the difficulties together recklessly, and pile as many more on as you can find; you cannot get beyond the blessed climax of impossibility. Let faith swing out to Him. He is the God of the impossible."

Cowman, L. B. (1925). Streams in the Desert (p. 341). The Oriental Missionary Society.

What seems impossible to you today? Saving a marriage or relationship? Seeing that addict get truly clean? Someone completely healed of cancer? Having that difficult conversation turned into a beautiful reconciliation? Maybe a day without crippling anxiety or depression?

Could God step in today and do the impossible for you or someone you love? If we take Jesus' words seriously, the answer is a resounding yes! But, do we or can we believe it? Do we have it in us to trust and have that little bit of faith that can move mountains (Matthew 17:20)?

One time when Jesus was teaching His disciples, they marveled at how a wealthy guy wasn't guaranteed entrance into God's kingdom. I think they assumed wealth was a sign of God's favor so if that wasn't so, who had a chance to be saved? With love then, Jesus uttered these words (Mark 10:27 in the NIV):

“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

If all things are possible and if even death's sting is defeated, what impossible things can we see God do today?

May we pray together, "God, please enlarge our hearts and increase our faith to believe on You for the miracles and breakthroughs today!"

Pastor Ben

Photo by Chang Ye on Unsplash


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