
I woke up to the news of the attack on Israel like many of you a few days ago and it was heartbreaking to hear the news and see the devastation.

I've since been learning more about this conflict and the history behind it all. Turns out there are many layers to it and more than a few players in this fight. What is especially difficult for me is those vulnerable men, women, and children caught in the crossfire. My heart is heavy for such loss.

I don't know about you but today I'm praying for peace. I'm asking the Lord for justice. I believe that God's will is what is to be done on earth as in heaven.

In the words of the ancient Hebrew prophet Micah, may we:

Do justice(fairness), 

love kindness (loyal in love) and,

walk humbly(modest) before our God.

This has also reminded me of some wisdom I've learned in my journey with Jesus:

-Let us pray before we post.

-May we choose love over hate.

-Love our neighbor as ourselves.

And this, "Lord, break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Remind us Lord that You alone bring the peace that passes understanding."

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash


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