Wants, Needs, Wishes

What do you want from me?


Jesus asks this question two different times in Matthew 20 to two different groups of people - first to an ambitious mom and her 2 sons and then to a couple of blind men.

What do you want from Jesus? Or maybe, what do you need from Him right now?

Sometimes we struggle to answer that right?

In our lives we have some basic categories:
  1. Needs - the basics (food, shelter, water, etc)
  2. Wants - how we prefer to live (type of car, neighborhood, etc - we often struggle here!)
  3. Wishes - a preferred future - big audacious goals here

God wants us to experience 'life and life to the fullest' (John 14:6) and that means He loves to bless us and when we're blessed, we can bless others (2 Corinthians 8). He also knows what we need even before we ask (Matthew 6:8) right?

We would do well to put all 3 categories of our desires into God's hands - let Him take care of needs and wants and wishes (desires). This reminds me of one of my life verses from Psalm 37:4:

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

When considering what you and I want from the Lord, may we place our complete trust that He'll grant us what is always best for us!

Pastor Ben


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