The "apple of His eye"

It almost hit my head this morning. It was a close call. A ripe apple falling from a neighbor's tree was aiming for me...well, not really. As I looked at the apple on my desk (hey, free apple), I was thinking about that old idiom, "apple of my eye" and about how God sees us. As David wrote in Psalm 17:8, "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings" The basic meaning of the idiom is this: something or someone that one cherishes above all others Before we were even born, God loved us. He saw us formed in the womb and loves us so much. As the late Tim Keller said often, “You are more sinful than you ever thought you were.” But then he says, “And you are more loved than you ever dreamed you could be.” You, me, we are special in the eyes of God. His children are indeed the 'apple of His eye' and we are cherished. Do you believe this today? Can you accept your special status and live in that reality today? Lord, help us to kno...