A few weeks back I shared about my old professor's challenge to cut out "stinkin' thinkin'" as we learned how Jesus raised the bar of righteousness in Matthew 5. It seems simple but hard to practice right?

In a book I just finished, the author wrote that "...negativity in any form that we choose to bring into our lives is poison."]

What we ruminate about in our minds and hearts has a dramatic effect on our physical, mental AND spiritual health.

Paul said it this way:
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
-Philippians 4:8-9 New Living Translation

The next thing he says is to keep practicing this - and all we learn from Jesus.

How can we better put into practice healthy thinking and avoid stinkin' thinkin'? We fill our minds with what is good and noble and lovely and root out negative, self-destructive thinking. To fix our thoughts that way does require some work - a bit of discipline, so that when that negative thought hits us, we take it captive and by the power of the Holy Spirit, kick it out!

Let's allow Jesus into our minds and our thinking more this week and see what God does in and through us!

Thinking admirably along with you!
Pastor Ben


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